Line Post-work

Start Clean Rejuntes

Acid detergent. Sujidades inorganic em geral, remoção of incrustações of cemented and concrete. Em floors prune não be used: Mármores, granite, polished queimado ou cimento, porcelain.

  • Product Details

    Packaging Volume: 2L, 5L
  • Purpose of Use

    Treatment of Floors
  • Information Label

    Used the first cleaning after work in rough stones, rustic floors for removing vidrificados with excess rejunto or calcifications. Dilution: Heavy Cleaning -> Part 1 to 5 Dilution water: Clean Take -> 1 part to 10 of water How to use: Wet the surface waiting to absorb water, remove the excess, apply the solution by parts, it is recommended that and start the mechanical action (rubbing), leaving the solution has dried, remove the dirty solution and rinse. Do not let the solution dry on the surface.